Fruit Trees
We are blessed to have multiple fruit trees on campus. However, these poor trees have been neglected for many years. They are over grown,...

Canning Workshop
This past week we had our second workshop of the summer. The lady interns of the IWU gardens hosted it in our house. We had our garden...

Like I mentioned in our last blog post, we have learned a new skill. Roofing. I will admit at first I was like "why are we learning how...

MidSummer Update
We can not believe that July is here and in full swing! This time of the summer we easily could be hurting for rain but we have been so...

We have multiple fruit trees around our gardens. One of those trees is a pie cherry tree. These charries are pretty sour but supposedly...

Lunch and Learn
The wonderful and talented Grace Miller (our supervisor) had all of the interns over to her home last week for a little lunch and learn....