Week 17: Salsa and NSO
This week was New Student Orientation week. At the end of the week the 1000 new freshmen were sent to 94 locations around the Marion area...

week 16: Salsa and chicken
This week was a solid week. We got tons of rain near the end and we got all of our picking done early. The tomatoes are coming in strong...

Week 15: The Ice Age in August
So this week the mornings have been frigid. It will be 40 degrees when I set out to work IN AUGUST. Although it will finally get into the...

Patchwork Week
This week, Zach is on vacation in Hilton Head, Josh is on his honeymoon in St. Lucia, Patrick left for a wedding in Delaware, and Kayla...

Week 13: Farm Week! (Viewer Discretion is Advised)
If you have been following us on our Facebook page you might have gathered that we the Alliance Garden have been participating in...