Patchwork Week
This week, Zach is on vacation in Hilton Head, Josh is on his honeymoon in St. Lucia, Patrick left for a wedding in Delaware, and Kayla...

Week 13: Farm Week! (Viewer Discretion is Advised)
If you have been following us on our Facebook page you might have gathered that we the Alliance Garden have been participating in...

week 12 It's Good to be Back
This week was a great week to be in the garden. We are harvesting so much right now! Cucumbers, squash, arugula, eggplant,beans, peppers,...

Week 11: When things aren't working the way they should
July 14-20 This week, we have run into several things that aren't working the way they should. Early in the week, we noticed that our...

Week 10: Ready for Rest
This is a week late! Sorry for the delay. July 7-11 Last week, all of us felt the physical effects of gardening. Bending or kneeling to...

Week 9! Japanese Beetles are Annoying
Happy 4th of July weekend! I hope you all have been as thankful as I am that we live in a country that allows us freedom. At our garden...

Trip to Prasco and weeding!
This week was a special week as the Alliance Garden interns got to go on a field trip to Prasco down in Cincinnati. Prasco is a family...

Vermiculture and Milkshakes
This week was the first week of several things that we have planted being ready for harvest. While this is wonderful and what we have set...

Mulch and Weed, Mulch and Weed
This week was a maintenance week. It rained often so it was mostly too wet to plant or transplant. We did get some more beans planted and...

Week 5: Chickens! and Volunteers!
It finally happened people. We have chickens again. Robert Sharp has donated 3 chickens to our cause and we will be raising them for the...