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Recap of the Harvest Party

The Harvest Party this past weekend went fantastic. Thank you all for showing up we had an estimated 300 people come out from IWU and the surrounding community. This is over double the amount of people of last year. There were pictures taken and they will be up later on. (My photographer has finals this week). We had apple cider that we ground and pressed all day. It went better then last year but still room for improvement. (The yellow jackets were incredibly happy however.) Pumpkin carving went well as all of our pumpkins were used and there were lots of them. Sack races and games were a hit as well as our garden tour done by Sydni. Special thanks to Monna Black for her excellent face painting booth. You can check those out at Grace and I also got interviewed about the garden for the IWU TV station and will link that when that is finished. Thank you for by garden interns: Sydni, John, Alyssa, and Paige, the LLC girls:Kayla, Autumn Joy, Allie, Sara, and Meagan, Victory Acres: Leslie and Heather, Taylor garden manager Armala, CCA Kaley, my wife Kate, and of course Robert who volunteered the whole day just because. You guys were such a major help all year not just at the party and Grace and I are so proud of you. We are winding down now as it will mostly be planting cover crop, harvesting, and getting things in order for winter.

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Division of Natural Sciences

Indiana Wesleyan University

4201 S Washington St, Marion IN 46953

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