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Tomato Guide


- Planting:

o Should be planted as deep as possible. It is recommended to take off the first couple sets of leaves and plant up to the first set left on. If you look at the stem of a tomato plant, you can see little “hairs” – these will turn into roots if covered in soil, so it is important to cover as many of those as possible

o Plant leggy plants (those that have a significant amount of bare stem) horizontally so the soil goes just under the first good set of leaves. This will help the plant develop more roots

o All tomato plants can be grown in a container – just make sure the plant has the right amount of soil – four quart pots are big enough for most varieties. Fertilizing will be more important than when growing in the garden

- Soil:

o Prefer a more acidic soil

o Should be well-drained so that it doesn’t hold water as this can lead to diseases

- Sun:

o Prefer full (all day) sun – it’s typically recommended that they get at least 6 hours

o Grow best when night temps are between 60 and 70 degrees; night temps above 75 degrees will stop setting of fruiting

- Water:

o Should be watered at time of planting to avoid shock

o Need a decent amount of water, especially in the first couple weeks after they have been planted

o Recommended they receive about 2 inches of water a week after the first five weeks (they need more at first)

o Do not overwater them.

o Mulching can be done five weeks after the plant has been transplanted and can help retain water

- Space:

o Usually need at least two feet of space between plants if more than one is being planted – it is recommended to have more space between to making harvesting easier and to give plants room to breathe

o Can be planted in pots, but it is recommended that the pot be deep and at least 12 inches in diameter

§ bigger pot = more soil = more roots = more fruit

- Fertilizing:

o Recommended to be done two weeks before and after first picking, but it is not necessary

- Diseases and Pests:

o Susceptible to a variety of diseases and pests

§ Diseases: late blight, blossom-end rot, tobacco mosaic virus

§ Pests: aphids, flea beetles, tomato hornworm

- Harvesting and Storing:

o It is recommended to wait until the tomato is ripe to pick it, but they can be picked before they are ripe as long as they are close.

§ If a tomato is picked before it is ripe, it should not be placed in a sunny spot to finish ripening as it may rot before it is ripe. They should be kept in a paper bag in a cool, dry place

§ A ripe tomato will be slightly soft and may still have some yellow-green around the stem

§ Do not refrigerate fresh-picked tomatoes

o Freezing:

§ Can be kept in a freezer to use for later

§ Should be cored and put whole into freezer bags

§ Skin will slip off when tomatoes defrost

- Other:

o Stakes or cages are highly recommended as tomatoes grow tall and tend to spread. Some varieties can simply be staked (a stake is usually bamboo, metal, or plastic), while others need a cage (usually circular metal). Plants should be staked or cage at the time of planting

o Suckers are the small stems that start forming between the primary stem and the bigger “branches” coming off (see image). Suckers should be pinched off before they are allowed to grow too large. This will encourage the plant to put its energy towards producing fruit instead of towards growing these new “branches”

§ Suckers can be propogated, meaning they can be planted in fertile soil and watered liberally and they will begin to grow a new plant.

Other Information

- What is an Heirloom Tomato?

o Most of the plants we are selling are heirloom varieties. Essentially, an heirloom tomato is one that has not been genetically modified. The red, round tomatoes most people are used to have been genetically modified to look like that because that’s what people think tomatoes should be.

o Since heirloom tomatoes have not been genetically modified, they tend to look different. The coloration is often different, as is the shape. Most heirloom varieties do not produce round and/or red fruit; it is normal for them to have unique shapes, including bumps, edges, divots, etc.

o It is recommended that people try keeping the seeds to replant next year, these will be “true breeding” and produce the same kind of tomato that was planted. Seeds saved from hybrids cannot guarantee the same tomato the next year.

o Heirlooms tend to go bad before regular tomatoes once picked and ripe

- Determinate vs. Indeterminate

o Determinate: the plant will stop growing at a certain height

o Indeterminate: the plant does not stop growing at a certain height, but will continue growing as long as it receives the nutrients it needs

Our Varieties

Black of Tula

o Growing

§ Can do well in hot weather – drought tolerant

§ Indeterminate

§ Ready 75-80 days from germination

§ Need more food than some varieties – high nitrogen and potassium, moderate phosphorous

§ Plant can grow 5-7’ tall and 2-3’ in diameter

o Color: Deep reddish-brown meat with deep green shoulders (the part around the stem) and purple-black skin

o Texture: Meat is smooth in texture

o Flavor: Rich, sweet flavor that is slightly salty and smoky

o Size: Weighs 8-12 ounces, about 3-4”

o Uses: Beefsteak (good for slicing for sandwiches and burgers)

o Other: Russian Heirloom variety

German Johnson

o Growing

§ Ready 76 days after germination

§ Not as productive as other plants, but well worth it

§ Fairly disease resistant compared to other heirlooms

§ Thrives in hot, humid weather – can catch diseases if weather is too humid

§ Indeterminate

o Color: Pink-red skin, green shoulders (part around the stem)

o Texture: Very juicy and meaty, little seeds

o Flavor: Mild flavor close to regular tomatoes

o Size: 12-24 ounces (average 1 pound)

o Uses: Good for slicing for sandwiches and burgers

o Other: Related to mortgage lifter, a popular heirloom variety

Pink Brandywine

o Growing

§ Ripen late

§ Ready 80-100 days after germination

§ Plants can grow 7-9’ tall and 3’ in diameter

§ Vining, sprawling growth habit

§ Produce later in the season

§ Not as productive as some varieties

o Color: Rosy pink skin

o Texture: Meaty

o Flavor: Old-fashioned, intense tomato flavor, tangy

o Size: 9-16 ounces

o Uses: Beefsteak variety – good for slicing

o Other: Most popular heirloom variety of any vegetable


o Growing

§ Ready 85 days after germination

o Color: Take the shape and coloration of a strawberry (hence the name) – deep red coloration

o Texture: Small amount of seeds and juice

o Flavor: Intense flavor

o Size: Can get up to 1 pound in weight

o Uses: Good for canning, roasting, snacking, and slicing

o Other: German Heirloom variety

Large Red Cherry

o Growing:

§ Extremely productive

§ Grows in clusters of five

§ Fruit is firm and keeps well after harvest

§ Indeterminate

§ Ready 73 days from germination

§ 4-6’ tall and 2-3’ wide

o Color: Deep scarlet in color

o Texture: not as meaty as grape varieties, thinner skin

o Flavor: Full, sweet flavor

o Size: 1 ½-2” fruit size

o Uses: Good for canning whole, snacking, or in salads; can be picked when green for pickling


o Growing

§ Ready 73-80 days from germination

§ Determinate variety

§ Plants grow 4-6’ tall and 2-3’ in diameter

o Color: Bright red in color

o Texture: thick walls and very meaty; not juicy; thicker wall; fewer seeds than other varieties; denser but grainier flesh

o Flavor: Tangy,

o Size: Fruit tends to be longer (about 3”) and skinner than other tomatoes (almost egg-shaped)

o Uses: Great for tomato paste and sauces, canning, or chopping; can be frozen; cooking intensifies flavor; not great for slicing

Ashley Sobczak

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