Friday, May 8, 2015
Week 1: Welcome to the Garden!

Decomposition is fascinating business. Between molds, bacteria, worms, grubs, and heat, there is plenty of activity happening in a compost pile. These ingredients, mixed with time, constitute the recipe for sweet garden fertilizer. Our week began with the spreading of this elixir onto our plot at the 38th Street Alliance Garden. However, the finding of an enormous grub disrupted our labors. What does a group of Garden Interns do with such a treasure?

Feed the chickens.
But this was no ho-hum interruption. This grub fostered a festive occasion celebrating the circle of farm life. There was much rejoicing on our part and from the grub-greedy chickens. It was quite the event, indeed. Speaking of the circle of farm life, more interesting chemistry happens in vermiculture bins. Much like an open-air compost pile, vermiculture is an environment of decomposition, utilizing the amazing digestion tract of simple earth worms to break down organic material into natural fertilizer. Such a small, easily-maintained method of composting allocates a purpose for kitchen scraps. Let no opportunities or energies be wasted when striving to live the sustainable garden lifestyle. -- Emily