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Week 20: Prepping for the Harvest Party

Next week is it people! The party we have all been waiting for is finally upon us! Saturday September 27 from 11AM to 5PM come over to our 46th St. garden for food, games, and tours! We will have apple cider pressing and popcorn popping demonstrations and samples. You can carve a pumpkin into a great jack o lantern! There will be sack races, apple bobbing, face painting, lawn games and a garage sale! We will be giving tours of both gardens and you can pick and eat anything from our gardens. This event is for everyone in the community so come by and see what we have been doing all summer!

That is a pretty good sales pitch if I do say so myself. We are hard at work getting this all together and making sure that all of the details fit together. It is not easy but it is very rewarding. Most of the time we do not have many visitors out to our gardens. People will ask about us, they see us in the community work at different gardens, and selling our produce but it is only this event that most people can really get a feel for the hard work and passion we put into this. I love what we do and getting to share it with friends, family, and strangers is a really cool way to spend a Saturday in the fall.

This week is also the last week for us to have our stand in the student center selling produce. We will still be producing it however so you can come out and buy some while we are working but they do not like us taking up their space longer then two months.

We are getting volunteers right now which is fun. We get to meet new people that are very different from us but enjoy being outside in God's creation and just sharing life with us. Thanks to them we are getting lots of weeding done and some of them may become the garden interns of the future.

Things are still green this late in September. While many things are just coming up we are now mostly on the back end of harvest. Things are slowing down, drying up, setting seed, and basically just getting ready for a long winter and the year to come. I enjoy this time of the season just to seeing the end of the full circle of what we started out the year doing. Looking back at the pictures will show the remarkable growth and beauty of this year. One can feel very accomplished. Zach Arington: Garden Manager

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Division of Natural Sciences

Indiana Wesleyan University

4201 S Washington St, Marion IN 46953

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